St. Nicholas Coins


In our house full of boys the feast of St. Nicholas is a HUGE DEAL. No joke. The feast gathers so much excitement from our dear ones that around noon the day before little shoes begin to multiply in front of the fireplace and some try to sneak in an extra pair or two. It is a celebration filled with impromptu reenactments of the heretic, and fellow bishop, Arius getting an episcopal knuckle sandwich for denying the divinity of Christ, as well as favorites like “bishopswill” (bishopswyn – Dutch mulled wine) charcuterie, pickles, and other preserved foods. Not to mention the essential Nicene Creed. And who wouldn’t love the one day each year when it is perfectly acceptable to have chocolate and oranges for breakfast!?

Some years St. Nicholas brings to our shoes a Christmas book for our Advent book basket or the year’s cozy winter pajama’s that St. Martin of Tours doesn’t quite have his budget together for by Martlemas on November 11th. But every year St. Nicholas is sure to fill our shoes with at least sweet oranges and golden chocolate coins. To add a bit more fun and pizzazz, in the leaner years, I started adding little pictures of St. Nicholas to our coins with a simple glue stick. And with these printable St. Nicholas coin toppers you can too.

There are 15 different designs that can be divvied up with one style for each child or all shared by the whole family. These toppers fit the larger 1.5” coins but can be used for the smaller 1” coins when printed at 70%.


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“The giver of every good and perfect gift has called upon us to mimic God’s giving, by grace, through faith, and this is not of ourselves.” – St. Nicholas of Myra

Ad majórem Dei glóriam,




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