Perpetual Liturgical Planner


“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” — Jeremiah 29:11


As the beginning of the new Catholic year, Advent is the perfect time to slowly slide into liturgical living with your family. And knowing which holy days fall when is the first step to getting your year of commemorations off on the right foot.


When we were first starting out in this endeavor my best tool was the perpetual calendar I made to keep all my ideas and future plans contained. So to help you have everything together in one place and give you a clear but simple overview of the liturgical year to prevent overwhelm, I’m sharing our list of all the feasts, fasts, and ferias of both the new and traditional calendars in this reuseable Perpetual Liturgical Planner. With its compact size it’s thorough without being bulky and is the perfect size to slip inside your Liturgical Binder of resources.


Pick a couple personally meaningful feasts or fasts for your family to mark each month, and, with the space provided, write what worked in your home. Then year after year you can revisit you notes and add, or adjust, more Catholic customs and liturgical traditions as your family grows in each new season of life.


The gift of your donation helps cover the needs of this apostolate. And we appreciate it more than you can know.


You can also find this printable and all the other resources, help, and encouragement you need for living liturgically every month by joining our Feast + Fast + Feria Collective.


“The feasts! What precious memories these simple words bring to me. I loved them; and my sisters knew so well how to explain the mysteries hidden in each one. Those days of earth became days of Heaven.”    — St.Therese of Lisieux


Ad majórem Dei glóriam,




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