Liturgy of Life Prayer Booklet


When you dive into liturgical living there are an overwhelming amount of ideas and suggestions for commemorating the multitude of feasts and fasts within the Church year. However, we are not only called to live our Catholic faith on days when there is a feast or fast, but each and every day. That is why in this collection you’ll find all the traditional prayers, hymns, and indulgences our family has used to build a Liturgy of Life. So that you too can have the foundation to live liturgically no matter what day it may be and build a habit of holiness in your home for every season.

We begin with the prayers that focus on the dedication of eace month and then add those for each day of the week. Like a Rule of Life for an individual, a family’s Liturgy of Life is the spiritual foundation for the day that all liturgical living can be built upon. We may not all live in a monastery or convent, but we can all follow the example of religious life in taking time throughout the day to recollect our family to God in the midst of our daily tasks. And the habit of a Liturgy of Life is a great tool we can use to do this. I pray that this Liturgy of Life is as much of a blessing for your family as it has been for ours.

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You can also find this printable and all the other resources, help, and encouragement you need for living liturgically every month by joining our Feast + Fast + Feria Collective here.


“Prayer is an aspiration of the heart, it is a simple glance directed to heaven, it is a cry of gratitude and love in the midst of trail as well as joy; finally, it is something great, supernatural, which expands my soul and unites me to Jesus.” — St.Therese of Lisieux


Ad majórem Dei glóriam,


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