Feast + Fast + Feria Collective

(1 customer review)

$12.00 / month

Based on the Feasts and Fasts of Each Month, Your Monthly Mentorship Includes a Combination of:

  • Liturgical Ordo – See a full overview of the month’s Catholic commemorations and all the liturgical traditions and activities that your family can choose from to add in your own home.
  • Liturgical Meal Plan – Find menu ideas informed and inspired by the feasts and fasts of the Church year for the whole month. Ferias, days without a feast, are also included.
  • Liturgical Recipes – Pull from the tried and true recipes for your feast day celebrations and fasting that real folks actually use.
  • Prayer Prints – Pick from multiple prayers related to the month’s traditional dedication.
  • Devotions Booklets – Help your whole family pray together with the original printable prayer booklets.
  • Feria Library Access – Use our library of Feria resources to help your family live the Catholic Faith even on days that have no assigned commemoration on the liturgical calendar.
  • Access to Our Private Community – Gather with a sisterhood of mothers just like you in our own private social parlor online.
  • Liturgical Living Workshops – Through their experience, our guests will share how to incorporate different facets of liturgical living into your busy life.
  • Liturgical Living Coaching – Plan and troubleshoot your liturgical traditions and customs with one-on-one and group sessions.
  • Hymn Studies – No musical experience is required, all your children have to do is sing along with me.
  • Sacred Music Playlists – Enjoy curated Spotify playlists for the month, season, and important feasts.
  • Liturgical Booklists – Celebrate the saints and seasons with the assistance of beautiful picture books and more. 


The gift of your donation helps cover the needs of this apostolate. And we appreciate it more than you can know.


It would give us great joy to have you as part of our collective and help your family on their journey to heaven one feast, fast, and feria at a time.


“But you, my beloved, building yourselves upon your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, unto life everlasting.” – Jude 1:20-21

Ad majórem Dei glóriam,




1 review for Feast + Fast + Feria Collective

  1. Bertina Gooding

    We signed up in December. The information we received really helped us have a more holy Advent.

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