Feast + Fast + Feria Advent Recipes Set


When our family began living according to the liturgical year over 15 years ago, after a foundation of prayer, we turned to incorporating traditionally associated foods into our holy day commemorations. And through the years the rich, spice-filled recipes of Advent have become some our family’s favorites.

In our home the fragrances and flavors of Advent are not just delicious additions to an austere winter menu. They also help add to the season’s atmosphere of joyful anticipation. Historically, in European countries like Austria, Christmas baking did not commence until the traditional feast of St. Thomas the Apostle on December 21st. Here the appearance of these long awaited tastes and scents of the season illustrated just how near the Feast of the Nativity finally was.

In monastic communities this connection between food and anticipating Christ’s birth was also mirrored. In the celebration of the O Antiphons, from the Divine Office of Vespers, during the final week of Advent, different little goodies were shared among the monks. On December 19th, O Radix (Root of) Jesse, the gardener shared his best dried and preserved fruit, while for O Clavis (Key of) David, on December 20th, the cellar was unlocked and the finest wine enjoyed.

This raccolta of Advent recipes contains tried and true dishes from our family’s own collection, as well as the shortcuts we have used during busier seasons of life – like after a new baby is born. Some recipes are historical foods long associated with specific feasts and saints, or the cuisine of the places from which certain saints hail, while others are the silly food puns our children and I have come up with over the years. We’ve found that the later can often be the most memorable. You can print and add these recipe sheets to your recipe binder to use again and again. And we pray they will all be a nourishment to your family both in body and soul. 

These are 8 of our family’s favorite recipes for the season of Advent. We hope they become some of your family’s favorites too.

And you can have our family’s tried and true liturgical recipes sent to you _every_ month when you join the Feast + Fast + Feria Collective here.


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You can also find this printable and all the other resources, help, and encouragement you need for living liturgically every month by joining our Feast + Fast + Feria Collective.


“For every man that eateth and drinketh, and seeth good of his labour, this is the gift of God.” – Ecclesiastes 3:13 


Ad majórem Dei glóriam,



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