How I’m Babyproofing our Homeschool and You Can Too! 


It’s that time again. In about 8 weeks, Lord willing, we will be welcoming another precious baby boy into our family. Now is the time I usually start all my pre-birth preparations to ready as many things ahead of baby’s arrival as possible. I want our first months as a family to run as smoothly as possible so we can focus on what really matters – bonding with and loving on that new squishy babe.

After living it 6 times before, my aim for the postpartum period is to keep as many plates of our usual family life spinning that I can, even if it’s at a significantly slower pace. For our family that agrees with Charlotte Mason that, “education is a life,” this includes continuing our homeschooling in some semblance. On a personal note, doing so helps me to not feel overwhelmed or that things are out of control. I appreciate that extra stability when navigating the unpredictably of the newborn months. I may not know when exactly baby will arrive, or when he will want to eat or sleep, but I can rest in the familiarity of our home and school’s liturgies.

As I thought about the plans for my older children during this time, it dawned on me that other home educators may be in the same situation and that with my experience I could help! This is why I’m daring greatly and sharing this little eCourse with you.

Beginning June 26th and for the next 4 weeks I invite you to walk with me as we work through my method of preparing our homeschools for the addition of a new little soul in the house. Along the way I will share the wisdom I’ve learned, through trial and error, from each recovery, in hopes that it will ease the postpartum transition in your home. If you have already had baby recently don’t be discouraged! All the suggestions can also be successfully applied after the fact.

Every week we will also adding to a workbook of printable pages to help you work through this process for future babies. Additionally, I have set up a private Facebook group to help us trouble-shoot individual’s specific issues. This group may be accessed once you subscribe to the course via email. If you missed the pop-up box, you may use the contact page to email me as well.

If you know of a mother out there who would would be blessed by this eCourse, please share this post with her.

How do you typically prepare your homeschool for a new baby? I am always learning so please share your wisdom with me in the comments below.







0 Replies to “How I’m Babyproofing our Homeschool and You Can Too! ”

  1. […] year, before my youngest was born in August, I did a short series (free Ecourse) on babyproofing your homeschool before the arrival of a new baby. We hit my major areas of prepping […]

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