Singing with the Saints is a ministry whose purpose is to bring the ancient Truth, Goodness, and Beauty of the Church into the hearts and homes of Catholic families through sacred music.
From childhood, the gospel presented in hymns has been an island of refuge during the tumultuous times in my life. By making them a part of most of our homeschool days growing up, my mother tuned my heart to love hymns, sowing the seeds of faith in my soul, and in turn gave me the priceless treasure of having their Biblical truths engraved there. Hymns were the earliest way I came to learn of Christ and a way that I believe all families should have the means to do the same. This is why I’m convinced it was laid on my heart to create Singing with the Saints with its videos and other simple and easy family resources. To that end, my hope is to support other parents in giving their children the gift of knowing Christ more deeply through the music of hymns in both a profound and practical way.
Through Singing with the Saint each month, a new hymn is introduced with one of the verses learned every week. During Week 2 of the month, your family can also learn the hymn's Solfege syllables and hand signs with the additional video and printable provided. This added tactile ear training practice just further cements the month's hymn in childrens' memories.
A frameable hymn text printable is also available for each hymn and may be printed out for each member of the family and also displayed as an 8x10 print during the month as visual reminder of truth.
If you too have a desire to share the catechism of hymns with your children you can join our community and gain access to all our weekly resources for learning specific hymns by subscribing below.
You can also participate in our Singing with the Saints community on Instagram and help spread the Hymns at Home Movement with other families by using #singingwiththesaints and #catholichymnofthemonth. I look forward to seeing you there!
Subscribe here for instant access to all our
hymn resources.
Do you have questions or suggestions for a future hymn to be covered? Please enter it below and I'll do my best to include it in an upcoming Hymn Study.

Help your family grow closer to Mary through the ancient music of the Church!