You can live the liturgical year with peace and confidence.
The Feast + Fast + Feria collective is a monthly mentorship and community for busy Catholic mothers that takes the stress and guess work out of liturgical living. Each month our mentorship provides all the resources you need to shape your children's hearts through the historical Catholic traditions and customs that speak specifically to them.
Each month your mentorship includes:
Monthly Liturgical Ordo
See a full overview of the month's Catholic commemorations and all the liturgical traditions and activities that your family can choose from to add in your own home.
Monthly Liturgical Meal Plan
Find menu ideas informed and inspired by the feasts and fasts of the Church year for the whole month. Ferias, days without a feast, are also included.
Monthly Liturgical Recipes
Pull from the tried and true recipes for your feast day celebrations and fasting that real folks actually use. You'll recognize family favorites, traditionally associated dishes, authentic regional cuisine, and faith-filled food puns.
Monthly Prayer Prints
Pick from multiple prayers related to the month's traditional dedication. Print and display them in your home as a daily reminder and call to prayer.
Monthly Devotions Booklets
Help your whole family pray together with the original printable prayer booklets. Print whatever number your family needs for the month's novenas and other individual devotions.
Feria Library Access
Use our library of Feria resources to help your family live the Catholic Faith even on days that have no assigned commemoration on the liturgical calendar.
Access to Our Private Community
Gather with a sisterhood of mothers just like you in our own private social parlor online. Glean from their experience, find fellowship, and be encouraged by other women also seeking heaven.
Liturgical Living Workshops
Learn what works for your specific family. Through their experience and expertise, our guests will share how to incorporate different facets of liturgical living into your busy life.
Liturgical Living Coaching
Plan and troubleshoot your liturgical traditions and customs with one-on-one and group sessions. Bring your questions, joys, and heartaches and we'll search for tangible solutions together.
Monthly Hymn Studies
Write the truths of the Catholic Faith on your children's hearts with sacred music. No musical experience is required, all they have to do is sing along with me.
Monthly Sacred Music Playlists
Enjoy curated Spotify playlists for the month, season, and important feasts. Use individual pieces for your family's free listening each day, concert hour or music appreciation.
Monthly Liturgical Booklists
Celebrate the saints and seasons with the assistance of beautiful picture books and more. You'll discover spiritual classics and modernism-free recent titles to help your family make friends with the saints and draw nearer to the Word made flesh.
"What I admire and love about Genie, is her intentional nature. Liturgical living is something she has cultivated using that intentional nature. She makes informed decisions about the traditions that best serve her family's relationship with God. Genie isn't here for the aesthetics; she's offering an opportunity to grow in community drawing from the rich tapestry and history of the Catholic Church. Her dedication to preserving and contextualizing ancient traditions, devotions, hymns, etc is an act of love as well as a ministry." - Ashley Woleben, Mother of 6

Join us this Advent beginning November 26th.
Also included this Advent...
Catholic New Year’s Eve Traditions:
All the family customs you can pull from for the Saturday before Advent begins.
• Patron Saint Draw Cards
• 2022 Patron Saint Litany Posters
Christkindl Crib Resources:
How-to instructions for the tradition of softening the Christ Child's manger with straw from your family's sacrifices.
• Christkindl Draw Cards
• Christkindl Sacrifice Cards
• Christkindl Sacrifices Poster
• Christkindl Alms Jar Wrap
• Sacrifice Straw Jar Wrap
• Printable Straw
• Real Straw upon Request
December Ordo of Liturgical Activities
December Meal Plan
December Recipes
Advent Wreath Prayers Booklet:
Weekly prayers and hymns for around the Advent Wreath with an Advent Wreath Tutorial and an Advent Wreath Blessing.
Awaiting the Messiah:
A family Advent journey with Handel's Messiah.
Advent Devotions Booklets:
• Christmas Novena Booklet
• Family Nativity Play Booklet
• O Antiphons Booklet
St. Andrew Christmas Novena prints
Advent Candle Calendar Tutorial
Literary Advent Calendar Booklist
St. Nicholas Pickle Printable Set
St. Nicholas Coin Toppers
Jesse Tree Tips for All Ages
"We cultivate a very small field for Christ, but we love it, knowing that God does not require great achievements but a heart that holds back nothing for self."
- St. Rose Philippine Duchesne