On Pentecost we commemorate the descent of the Holy Ghost upon the Blessed Virgin May and the disciples in the cenacle of the last supper fifty days after Christ’s resurrection from the dead. And the name Pentecost actually comes from the Greek word for fiftieth: Pentékosté (Πεντηκοστή). You can read the Biblical account of this […]
Author: Genie
The Sacraments Are Essential! Or some {unsolicited} ideas for how to make Last Rites & Mass available again.

Since the restriction of the sacraments that has accompanied this pandemic, the faithful have been filled with feelings of grief and frustration for their loss. During these weeks without public Masses and devotions like adoration, we have longed and prayed for their swift return. Though both are important, even more than the availability of these sacraments […]
How to Glory in the Easter Solemnity All Octave & Season Long

Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!As a liturgical living enthusiast since college (there are no experts), I feel like part of my vocation is to help my family and yours remember that Easter is more important than any other feast and to find little ways for us to live out what the […]
Celebrating Easter at Home

This Easter of 2020 we find ourselves in a very peculiar predicament with no public Sacrifice of the Mass available to attend and restrictions of the reception of the sacraments. We are in surreal new world, a Narnia where it feels as if it will always be Lent, but never Easter.But Easter has still come! […]
Good Friday at Home

Today is the day we mourn the Passion and Death of Our Lord. And as such, things go a little differently at our home. We purpose to reserve certain times to reflect and call to mind Christ’s suffering throughout the day and avoid the same distractions we would while grieving any other loved one. It […]
Maundy Thursday at Home

One of our family’s favorite Holy Week customs is all of us piling into our big, white whale of a 15 passenger van, Moby, and heading out for the traditional Maundy Thursday Seven Churches Pilgrimage with a picnic lunch. We spend most of the morning driving around the Texas countryside because in the boonies a […]
Spy Wednesday at Home: Silver Hunt

On Spy Wednesday we remember Judas’ decision to be “snooper sneaky” and betray Christ to his enemies in the Sanhedrin for 30 pieces of silver. Because of this day’s covert, secretive character it is a fantastic day for liturgical living in order to draw children – especially boys – more fully into the understanding of […]
The Barefoot Abbey Guide to Making a Family Paschal Candle From 3 Things Already at Home

The easiest way our family has found to keep the Easter Festival going through out the whole of the season is with a family Paschal candle. Our boys love anything to do with fire and the change to be the one to blow it out is an excellent positive motivation.During the Easter Feaster, as it’s […]
Holy Monday at Home: A Simple Sancti Tea

It seems like the Monday and Tuesday of Holy Week get the short end of the stick. Though some dioceses may schedule events on these days, like their Chrism Mass, there aren’t really any specific devotions or services for them besides the daily Mass. In our home, however, we didn’t want to leave these days out […]
Participating in Palm Sunday at Home

The main additions to the Mass that mark Palm Sunday are the blessing of the palms, the Palm procession around the inside or outside of churches, and the reading of the Passion. And thankfully all these pious devotions can easily be transferred to our homes. The PalmsIf like us you can’t get your Palm branches, olive […]