Howdy Y'all!!
I'm Genie (Jenny), a Catholic wife and Charlotte Mason homeschooling mother to 8 bairns on the ground, all 12 years old and under.
As a child I was homeschooled and loved music so much that I went on to earn a degree in the subject.

Our 1 year old, G-Rex
Some of my other fancies include:
discovering new ways to incorporate liturgical living into our little domestic monastery
baking scrumptious, gluten-filled confections and...
cooking in cast iron.
When I snatch any free time, if I'm not piddling in the garden, basking in the beauty of God's creation, you can find me sipping a steamy cup of tea behind a spine of one of my favorite authors like:
Wendell Berry
G. K. Chesterton and...
Flannery O'Conner
In step with our family's usual penchant for practicality, for our tenth wedding anniversary we forwent a swanky celebration or romantic getaway and instead moved from Dallas to a farm in a tiny Texas town of about 600. Slowly but surely we are bringing life and functionality back to our land one heritage breed at a time.

Barefoot Abbey at its best with our big, white whale of a 15 passenger van, Moby

My hope is to offer you simple and inexpensive ideas from our little Domestic Monastery for living out the Catholic faith each day. Whether it is a Feast, Fast, or Feria, our ministry is to aid all members of your family grow in holiness on their journey to heaven with the help of the saints and liturgical year.
One of our family's favorite ways to live liturgically and inscribe the ancient truth, goodness, and beauty of the Church on the hearts of our children is through music. We follow the church year in part by singing related hymns and listening to classical music in honor of specific feasts and seasons.
Many of the liturgical music pieces and playlists we use can be found in our Liturgical Living posts.
Your family can also easily learn the Traditional Catholic hymns for holy days by singing along with me through:
Singing with the Saints - our hymn study program and our #catholichymnofthemonth community.
If your family would benefit from more individualized guidance in liturgical living that fits your family's unique financial situation, energy level, ages, and interests I'd love to help with a Liturgical Living Consultation.
You can also make suggestions for feasts you would like to see spotlighted in a post or ask questions via the contact form below.
For more ways to add music to your home, including all-age presentations of vocal technique to improve family hymn singing, and classical music education please see:
Monday Music Musings - our Instagram Live Show and...
Libretto Music - our whole-family music appreciation program coming soon.
Finally, I have a special place in my heart for fellow moms in the trenches of homeschooling with babies, toddlers, and preschoolers and am convinced that part of my vocation is to help them find the practical encouragement and usable weapons they need for the fight. I aspire to do that through:
the Babyproof Your Homeschool Facebook group
the Babyproof Your Homeschool Podcast and...
Babyproofing Consultations for personalized, one-on-one troubleshooting.
I'm pleased as punch that you've found us and I hope this little apostolate is a blessing to you and yours on y'all's path to heaven.
Drop me a note...

My rascal of boys on Earth and Ladybird