Join us each week as we live out the Church Year and grow closer to the saints through their own words. We will share a selected reading related to every week's saint or holy day.
You can play and discuss this mini podcast during a meal, in the car, before your little ones' bedtime, or any time that is convenient for your family.
Thank you for embarking on this journey with us to help bring the truths written by the Cloud of Witnesses into our Domestic Churches.
Episode 4
On October 14th a new saint was canonized, St. Oscar Romero. In both the traditional and new calendar his feast day is the day of his martyrdom, March 24th. St. Oscar Romero is the first canonized saint of El Salvador.
Our reading for this episode one of St. Oscar’s homilies entitled The Church Before Grief & Violence. In this homily given at the funeral of a murdered Salvadoran official, St. Oscar reminds us that violence should never be met with retaliation and more violence, but rather love in hopes of harmony. Read the Show Notes...
Episode 3
This week we are commemorating the feast of St. Damien of Molokai celebrated on the 11th of May by both the New and Traditional Calendar. Canonized in 2009, St. Damien is Hawaii’s first recognized saint.
Our reading for this episode is St. Damien’s twenty seventh letter. In this his first correspondence from Molokai, St. Damien recounts how he came to his post on the island and the conditions of the colony and its patients. Read the Show Notes...
Episode 2
This week we are commemorating the feast of St. Faustina celebrated on the 5th of October. A newer feast of the Church, St. Faustina was canonized in the year 2000.
Our reading for this episode is paragraphs 76 through 78 from St. Faustina’s Diary, Divine Mercy in my Soul. In this passage she recounts her experience with spiritual suffering and shared what she learned from the trial. Read the Show Notes...
Episode 1
This week we are commemorating the feast of St. Francis of Assisi celebrated on the 4th of October by both the New and Traditional Calendar.
Our reading for this episode is St. Francis of Assisi’s Salutation of the Virtues In this short discourse he speaks on the virtues of Our Lady that we too as holy souls should be striving to cultivate in our own lives. Read the Show Notes...